What is happening?
Stretching our Limits
Thank You For Helping My Friend Gathoni Breathe
All through the campaign, I carried my friend Gathoni in my heart and I felt so united with her in spirit and especially in moments when I too, just like her, struggled to breathe while going through the tough terrains of Nyandarua, Nakuru and Laikipia counties. In my silence, I whispered to myself, “Maurice, it’s ok to lose your breath if it is the only way to give your friend breath”...
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Focus on my weaknesses, miss my strengths
From the day Moses joined Betania home one year ago, Paul has made it his personal responsibility to look after him as he refers to him as his younger brother.
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L'Arche Kenya Youth Day 2021
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and Miss L'Arche Kenya 2021.
Saturday 31st August 2021 started like any other day in Nyahururu: shiny and unexpectedly chilly. The youth started arriving at Effatha home grounds first a trickle and later a deluge. By the end of the day, four youth had been crowned Miss and Mr, L’Arche Kenya.
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Team Captain Alex Kamale
Due to his cycling prowess, the core member is a team captain in the 2021 cycling event dubbed “stretching our limits campaign” which aims at raising funds and making awareness about disabilities. His team has a target of Kshs. 1.5 million.
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#PedalFforHealth = Pedal for dignity and inclusion
This weekend, as I was cooling my aching body after a bumpy 30km practice bicycle ride I was wondering, WHAT EXACTLY AM I RIDING FOR? What happens once we achieve the targets of the campaign?
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Holiday at Happy Valley
Peter’s Diary is a collection of articles describing L’Arche Kenya from the eyes of an assistant. All the articles are real and factual though they relate to different members of the community.
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Appropriate Paper-based Technology

The products are light to carry, affordable, easy to make, safe to use and maintain which makes them appropriate for children with developmental issues and other conditions like cerebral palsy. Users are able to attain head control, trunk control, use of upper and lower limbs, concentration and interaction with other children in play. Caregivers can easily move them from one place to another.
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Person Centred Plans
Peter’s Diary
The new people-centered plans allow us to concentrate on the individual development of our core members as the account for their individual goals and dreams.
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Lip syncing competition
We did it! L'Arche Kenya took part last December in the first international lip syncing competition hosted by people with disabilities.
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